Goat's/Sheep With Milk Fever
Hypocalcemia, commonly known as milk fever, is a calcium deficiency
found in goats and cattle. Most often seen in newly freshened does, milk
fever can also be found in goats who are preparing to kid, are from
high production lines and even in those not being milked at all.
The most common signs of milk fever are shivering during or after
milking, wobbly legs – the goats seems off balance and may run into
things, and general lethargy. Other symptoms can include poor appetite,
poor milk production, decreased body temperature, rumen dysfunction,
weakness or an inability to stand. Left untreated, milk fever can cause
Cows with Milk Fever
Milk fever is a disorder mainly of dairy cows close to calving. It is
a metabolic disease caused by a low blood calcium level
(hypocalcaemia). Between 3% and 10% of cows in dairying districts are
affected each year, with much higher percentages occurring on some
properties. Jersey cows that are mature and fat and graze lush, clover
dominant pasture before calving are most susceptible.
Losses are due to deaths (about one in 20 affected cows dies), a
reduction in the productive lifespan of each affected cow of about three
years, and reduction in milk production following each milk fever
episode, as well as costs of prevention and treatment.
A dry muzzle, staring eyes, cold legs and ears, constipation and
drowsiness are seen after going down. The heart beat becomes weaker and
faster. The body temperature falls below normal, especially in cold,
wet, windy weather.
These signs are due mainly to lowered blood calcium levels. Sometimes
there are additional signs due to complicating factors. Bloat is common
in cows unable to "sit up" because the gas in the rumen is unable to
escape. Pneumonia and exposure may affect cows left out in bad weather.
About 80% of cases occur within one day of calving because milk and
colostrum production drain calcium (and other substances) from the
blood, and some cows are unable to replace the calcium quickly enough.
High producers are more susceptible because the fall in their blood
calcium level is greater. Selecting cows for high production may,
therefore increase the problem with milk fever. Some individual cow
families or breeds (for example, Jerseys) are more susceptible than
Age is important. Heifers are rarely affected. Old cows increase in
susceptibility up to the fifth or six calving because they produce more
milk and are less able to replace blood calcium quickly.
The feeding management of dry cows in the 2 weeks before calving is
very important, because it affects both the amount of calcium available
to replace blood calcium and the efficiency with which the available
calcium can be used.
When the amount of calcium in the diet is greater than is needed, the
efficiency of absorbing calcium from the intestine and the efficiency
of transferring calcium from the skeleton both become very sluggish and
the chance of milk fever is greatly increased.
Also, grazing pastures in Southern Australia winter and spring
results in alkaline blood which creates conditions unfavourable for the
availability of calcium in the body and predisposes the cow to milk
fever. Feeding hay prior to calving and restricting access to green feed
results in acidic blood which favours calcium mobilisation from bone
and improves calcium absorption from the intestines, both of which are
important factors in preventing the occurrence of milk fever.
Fat cows are at a greater risk than thin cows. This is partly because
their feed and calcium intake has been higher and partly because fat
cows produce more milk at calving time.
Some cows get milk fever several days or even weeks before or after
calving. This is usually due to the feed, especially the dietary
calcium, being insufficient to meet the heavy demand due to the rapidly
growing foetus or milk production in early lactation.
In early lactation, cows should receive as much calcium as possible,
and clover-dominant pasture are therefore desirable. They will help to
prevent grass tetany as well as milk fever.
Treatment should be given as soon as possible. Use 300 ml, or more,
of a 40% solution of calcium borogluconate or, preferably, a combined
mineral solution such as "three-in-one" or "four-in-one". Often 600ml
may be required.
The combined solutions contain additional ingredients such as
magnesium, phosphorus and dextrose (for energy), which may also be at
low levels in the blood while cows have milk fever.
Packets of solution together with an injection kit are best kept on
hand for emergencies. All equipment should be kept sterile to avoid
abscess formation at the site of injection.
Injection of the solution by farmers should be in several places
under the skin on the neck or behind the shoulder, unless the cow is in a
coma or there are other reasons for desiring a quick response.
Injection into a vein should be left to a veterinarian as it can
cause sudden death if not carried out properly. Veterinary assistance is
also advisable if there is not a quick response to treatment, because
other problems may also be present.
Cows that are "flat out" should be propped up into a normal resting
position to relieve bloat. If weather conditions are bad, or the
response to treatment is slow, transfer the cows to shelter to prevent
exposure and other complications. Provide feed and water. Rugging helps.
Some cows that have been comatosed may have regurgitated and inhaled
rumen content into the lungs. If there is ruminal material around the
nose one should be suspicious that this may have happened and intensive
antibiotic treatment should be commenced as soon as possible as
inhalation pneumonia is often fatal.
Recovered cows should not be milked for 24 hours; then the amount of
milk taken should be gradually increased over the next 2-3 days.
Management of the diet can be a valuable aid preventing milk fever.
Cows should be kept on a low calcium diet while they are lactating
(dry). This stimulates their calcium regulatory system to keep the blood
levels normal by mobilising the body stores of calcium from the bone.
When the demand for calcium increases as calving, calcium can be
mobilised much more rapidly from bone than the feed, therefore
preventing milk fever.
With cows at greater risk - Jersey cows of mature age and in forward
to fat condition - green feed should be restricted and plenty of hay fed
for at least 1-2 weeks before calving. Neither should contain a high
percentage of clover or capeweed.
If it is necessary to improve the body condition of cows in order to
improve milking performance, feeds high in energy but low in calcium may
be used, for example cereal grain or oaten hay. Cereal grain is also
high in phosphorus content, and this is of additional value.
Where dietary management is inadequate, other methods are sometimes
used. Vitamin D3 given by injection 2-8 days before calving may be
useful. As the calving date is often difficult to predict, repeated
treatments are sometimes necessary.
A common treatment used to prevent milk fever is the injection of
calcium borogluconate just before or just after calving. Some cows are
given more than one treatment. This is quite successful because the
calcium provides a reservoir to increase blood calcium just at the time
it is needed for milk and colostrum. The danger is that it may not last
long enough and milk fever may still occur before the calcium-regulating
mechanism of the cow is working efficiently.
Drenching cows with Unimix on the day before and then twice daily for
1 to 2 days after calving has considerably reduced the incidence of
milk fever in some herds where other methods alone have been
unsatisfactory. Unimix is a registered product containing a mixture of
calcium and magnesium.
Cows that have required injections to treat milk fever will benefit from a drench of Unimix to help prevent relapses.
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